General Laws Governing Irregularities polish version

LAW 15 - PLAY OF A WRONG BOARD polish version

A. Players Have Not Previously Played Board
If players play a board not designated for them to play in the current round:
1. Score Board as Played
The Director normally allows the score to stand if none of the four players have previously played the board.
2. Designate a Late Play
The Director may require both pairs to play the correct board against one another later.
B. One or More Players Have Previously Played Board
If any player plays a board he has previously played, with the correct opponents or otherwise, his second score on the board is cancelled both for his side and his opponents', and the Director shall award an artificial adjusted score to the contestants deprived of the opportunity to earn a valid score.
C. Discovered during Auction
If, during the auction period, the Director discovers that a contestant is playing a board not designated for him to play in the current round, he shall cancel the auction, ensure that the correct contestants are seated and informed of their rights both now and at future rounds. A second auction begins. Players must repeat calls they made previously. If any call differs in any way from the corresponding call in the first auction, the Director shall cancel the board. Otherwise, play continues normally.

Last modified: Sun Oct 12 12:02:18 1997